Getting Things Done

June 6, 2023 and June 7, 2023
8:30 am

(Registration has reached capacity. However, you may register to be added to the waitlist.)

Date: Tuesday, June 6 and Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Time: 8:30 AM – 12:30 PM

Location: Virtual



For the busy, but sometimes unproductive, overcommitted and overwhelmed

The Getting Things Done® (GTD® ) methodology was developed by New York Times best-selling author David Allen. Researchers have shown that the principles taught in GTD relieve cognitive load, allow for increased focus, even result in peak performance and optimal experience, or what is popularly called “flow.”

GTD isn’t only about getting things done. The real promise of GTD is efficient engagement. It’s productivity with presence and purpose.

The success of critical projects and programs requires the skill, energy, and focus of every team member. Research shows that when just one or two team members make even small fumbles (miss deadlines, work on the wrong priorities, or forget tasks), team productivity is cut by an average of 24%. On the other hand, teams that have a shared process for managing workflow foster trust, engagement, and efficient execution. This course is perfect for junior and mid-career faculty!

This workshop uses video, group discussions, skill practice, and real-life application to make the course both entertaining and engaging. This program is highly interactive and includes small group breakout sessions. Please note that toolkits and resources for this program will be delivered electronically.

Facilitator: Lori A. Aemisegger, VitalSmarts Master Trainer

This workshop consists of two 4-hour sessions. Participants must attend both sessions.

Registration has reached capacity. However, you may register to be added to the waitlist.

Getting Things Done Event Registration
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I understand that this course requires my attendance at both sessions.
I commit to attending both sessions.

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