John C. Clohisy, MD
Daniel C. and Betty B. Viehmann Distinguished Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery
Vice Chair, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
2024 Dean’s Impact Award Recipient
A key leader in the department, John C. Clohisy, MD, is a master surgeon who provides innovative surgical care to patients from around the country. He has fostered a true scientific approach to hip disease and the care of arthritis regionally, nationally and internationally, and has received independent federal peer review funding for his work to develop a multicenter consortium of medical students, residents, fellows and junior faculty to better understand and manage hip disease in young adults. Most importantly, he is influencing the next generation of investigators. His mentorship of young clinician scientists has led to improved outcomes in young adult hip disease research and awards of key grant funding to advance research by emerging leaders in his field. Many of the students who have worked under Clohisy’s tutelage have gone on to become dedicated orthopedic surgeons who share his commitment to improving the care of patients with musculoskeletal diseases.