M. Allison Ogden, MD
Professor of Otolaryngology
Vice Chair for Clinical Operations, Department of Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery
2023 Dean’s Impact Award Recipient
The Department of Otolaryngology — Head & Neck Surgery celebrates M. Allison Ogden, MD, for exceptional leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic. While many of the department’s residents, faculty and staff went above and beyond the call of duty during the pandemic and deserve recognition, Ogden excelled, taking on a variety of clinical and administrative challenges that fostered the growth and development of the clinical enterprise and will have lasting impacts for years to come. Ogden uniquely saw the pandemic as an opportunity to improve upon processes for the betterment of the department and its patients and used her collegial and persuasive leadership skills to unify the department toward the needed changes. A few examples of Ogden’s out-front leadership included collaborating with colleagues to reorganize outpatient clinic scheduling by level-loading subspecialty services and optimizing templates for all practitioners across the varied geographic service platforms and days of the week; optimizing and level-loading operating room scheduling and processes to align with the new clinic schedules; working with leadership and staff to ensure proper safety protocols were in place and help develop the needed platforms to implement telehealth; and establishing a COVID-19 operating room triage committee for the ethical scheduling of patients being considered for surgery. These were just a few of the many projects Ogden took on during the pandemic that have a lasting impact on the department today; the department remains indebted to her for her leadership and perseverance during this incredibly trying time.