Sheila Stewart, Ph.D.
Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology
Dr. Stewart has been a faculty member at WUSM for 10 years while raising 2 children, Konner, 7 and Kyra 3. Both of her children were born during academic years at WUSM, so she has experience balancing small children, a research lab, and a working spouse. She believes in making time at home quality time and working while the children are sleeping. She has utilized many of the WUSM benefits, including backup child care and daycare. She has maintained work-life balance by living close to work, employing full-time day care for their children. Now that the older child is in school and Dr. Stewart’s husband flies for Delta Airlines and is gone about 50% of the time she has also employed an after school nanny to aid in pick up and taking the children to after school enrichment activities. Dr. Stewart also has healthy but easy dinners that are quick and the children can help with which allows the family to spend more time together.